Supporting Scottish Housing Communities!

Match Funding Opportunities

We are keen to help you maximise the social impact of your funding from Lintel Trust. One way to do this is through match funding. Please find some links below to possible funding opportunities.

National Lottery Community Fund 

Paul Hamlyn Foundation 

The fund is to support organisations to test, implement and develop ambitious plans to widen access to and deepen participation in the arts as well as addressing inequalities of opportunity. 

The Riada Trust

The Trust's purposes are: the prevention or relief of poverty; the advancement of education; the advancement of health; the advancement of the arts, heritage, culture or science; the advancement of public participation in sport; the relief of those in need by reason of age, ill health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage.

WG Edwards Charitable Trust

The Trustees are interested in supporting a diverse range of charities which support older people, from large institutions to small community-run organisations. Grants are loosely divided into health and community categories. 

The Trusthouse Charitable Foundation

Gives grants to small, well-established organisations in the UK who address local issues in areas of extreme urban deprivation, or in remote and fragile rural communities. 

John Ellerman Foundation

For people facing poverty, hardship and other forms of disadvantage. It aims to help them lead fuller, more independent lives. We fund in two areas:

  • realising individual potential
  • strengthening personal and social networks

Morrisons Foundation

Funding is for new projects that groups would like to get off the ground but for which they have no funding. The projects should benefit the local community and can cover a wide range of topics including:

  • Young people
  • Older people
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Local environment

Persimmon Homes Community Champions Grants

Grants of up to £1,000 for community projects (requires match funding)

Esmee Fairburn Foundation

Grants supporting work that contributes to a just and inclusive society at every level (individual, community and system). They believe that the best solutions are owned by and built for communities, so fund them to thrive and deliver long term impact, whether by place or particular theme. They support work that removes barriers preventing marginalised and isolated people from participating and making a valuable contribution to society.

Nominet Social Tech Seed Fund

This is an open grant-funding programme that offers entrepreneurial organisations early-stage investment to develop innovative projects harnessing the power of the internet and digital technologies to deliver significant social change. 

Gordon Fraser Charitable Trust

Recipients must be registered charities and the trustees have complete discretion as to the type of charitable work supported. In recent years there has been some concentration on support for charities working with children or young people and those active in the environment and the arts. There has also been a preference for applications from and for Scotland but not to the exclusion of applications from elsewhere.

Mickel Fund

This fund includes housing and homelessness in its priorities and has a preference for Scottish work.

Grant Funders

Funding Scotland